About Us
Do you have a crypto project or token for which you would like to protect your name with an America trademark? Are you issuing a new token for which you would like an American trademark? Would you like to copyright he contents of your NFT? Let us help.
Do you want to setup a DAO LLC in Wyoming? Does your DAO or project need to protect copyrights and trademarks, and pay with crypto? We can do these things easily for you. Contact us for a complimentary case evaluation.
Just because you have registered your DNS and ENS domain does not protect your project name from trademark and copyright infringement. Luckily, if you are a web3 buidler, we can help you quickly and inexpensively obtain a US trademark to protect your brand.
After we have acquired your trademark or copyright, you will frequently want to license your trademark or copyright for use by a third party. We can draw up the licenses and contracts for you to work with third parties.

Neil Moss
Managing Partner

Erin Rodgers
Of Counsel

Felissa Taylor
Before joining Moss Law International, PLLC, she started and ran a successful business offering Spanish Enrichment Programs to students in public and private schools in and around the Austin area. She was also Director of Operations at The Overton Group and worked developing Spanish Curriculum used in Elgin and Austin ISD.
Other projects include collaborating with members of Texas A&M and the Texas Center for Advancement of Literacy and Learning alongside other educators to write Adult Education Standards for the State of Texas, and sitting on the Board of Directors of Casa Albergue Hogar Orphanage in Ojinaga, Mexico.